In the movie "The Truman show to many thing in life for example reality shows today “The Bachelor," “Survivor," or “The Real World” all have something in common, all this shows are being firmed in real life, but this time the directors have permission to firmed their real life on like Truman who never new on till the end. In the The Truman show Truman is the one who is making the show a realty because he's being filmed everyday and min of is life and he does know about it. In real life now some people know when their being firm.
The Bachelor,Survivor,and The Real World all have something in common. The people that are in the show knows what going. The people agreed to be firmed like the Truman show, The people like the idea of being on tv 24/7. Most of the shows have to do with finding love,but in The Truman Show it mostly had to do with how he lived is life from a kid to a growled up. "The Truman show" shows many thing in life that is truth.
What are the similarities and differences between The Truman Show and Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave"?
The Truman show and The Allegory of the Crave have many similarities and difference. In the movie The Truman show it mostly focus on the realty life of truman, in Allegory of the Cave focus on how a prisoner can only see what in front on him which is the shadow passing by. Some of the similarities in the truman show and allegory of the cave is that both person can only see what in front of him and not the outside, both person study what comes around them.
The differences between the Allegory and Truman is that in the story The Allegory of the Cave the prisoner can only see one thing which is the shadows theirs nothing around them expect for fire and other prisoners. In The Truman Show Truman learn many things, he discover many thing, he had is own world,he had a job, he had a dream girl in is mind, he had feels, he had a relationship, he had a family that love him but in the Allegory the prisoners had nothing but a shadow wall.
I don't agree to the fact that the realty shows we have today is like the Truman show because in realty shows we have today it seems like the people that are in the show are not them self their acting like someone else. In The Truman Show Truman is himself as someone who is trying to live a good life after the loss of is father. As for my opinion truman is the real realty show.
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